Minecraft 1.11.2 update
Minecraft 1.11.2 update

As for when the patch itself will be released, Mojang says 1.11's snapshot will be available as soon as Wednesday of this week, and an official change-log will accompany the snapshot's release. While the initial reveal of patch 1.11 was met positively, as no Minecraft fan would ever be disappointed by new content, some criticism has since followed. 1.11 has been known as the "Exploration" update for some time and many fans built up certain expectations regarding that title.

minecraft 1.11.2 update

While maps may encourage players to get out and explore more, some fans fear 1.11 won't meet its obligation in creating new, exciting content worth looking for. The Woodland Dungeon is interesting for end-game players, but it's not a new biome filled with interesting new blocks and units.

minecraft 1.11.2 update

Patch 1.12, the "Fanon" update, is coming in 2017 and could deliver some of the content that those disappointed in 1.11 would like to see. It will include new types of trees, a new metal in steel, and a village generation in snowy biomes, as well as female villagers. Mojang has promised to deliver smaller, faster Minecraft updates so fans constantly have something new to try out - and to avoid the lengthy update hiatuses that plagued the game for some time. The original Java version of Minecraft is currently exclusively available on PC, with update 1.11 planned to release on Wednesday later this week. The staggeringly popular "Pocket" version of Minecraft, available on consoles, mobile platforms, and through Windows 10, should eventually receive the 1.11 update, but it may be some time before that happens.

minecraft 1.11.2 update

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  • minecraft 1.11.2 update

    VoxelMap Mod 1.17, 1.16.5 was originally Zan’s minimap, a rather famous minimap mod created by Zaneris. VoxelMap is an in-game minimap mod with a few nice features. It displays waypoints (per dimension, and per multiverse world if the server is running voxelPlugin).

    Minecraft 1.11.2 update