Upon relaunching I noticed that there was no "ElvUI" showing up anymore in "My Addons", So naturally I double checked my WoW addon folder and sure enough absolutely all of my ElvUI was gone. So after waiting that 30 minutes I closed my "Tukui Client" and relaunched. No reason on my end that I can find that would cause the update to freeze mid-way through. I waited for 30 minutes double checked I wasn't having internet issues or anything of the sort.

So after ahwile of waiting and noticed it wasn't actually downloading anything i clicked my "ElvUI" and clicked "Update" At at little over halfway the update froze. Soon as it launched in the bottum it said "Status: Downloading File - tukui-windows-3190.zip" as it pretty much always has. When I launched Tukui Client it said there was an update for the client and asked if I wanted to update. So I had been a few updates behind on my ElvUI (My version was 10.64) and so I decided to update it today.